Possible UCFemTechNet Collaborations by Lisa Parks

– Write a manifesto with someone with whom you have disagreements

– Appropriate a digital publication tool for a use for which it was not attended

– Make someone else’s work more accessible to the public through a translation, review, remediation, etc.

-Discuss your research with some one from a different discipline -Provide feedback on some one’s work in progress -Organize a conference panel together

-Co-author an article

-Develop a collaborative art project

-Invent a new method or critical practice with some one

-Workshop a dissertation chapter across campuses

-Get involved in the FemTechNet DOCC

-Invite some one to your campus to give a talk

-Be a mentor

-Develop a grant proposal together

-Create a new course and co-teach with some one

-Facilitate an introduction

-Recommend books/articles to some one

-Host or participate in a Wikistorm

-Organize a workshop or conference

-Do a research site visit with some one

-Offer professional advice

-Add to this list

-Document, reflect upon and share your collaborative work